This course, of which I was a proud part, is a relatively young course (first graduates in 2016) but make no mistake it proves that practical teaching and academic study of film goes hand in hand. As a student I was taught by informed lecturers covering film theory, both modern and historical, along with critical communication and technological skills to which I now find invaluable and utilise every day. Education is a journey and my UCC journey was creative, rewarding and life-changing. Check out some behind the scenes thoughts here and a link below to some UCC filmmakers of the future on VIMEO. Check back on this site for more UCC Film & Screen Media updates. 


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Based in Catalonia Spain I had the pleasure of working with Edgar and his team - including brilliant cinematographer Jordi Albornà Urpí - making JD Kelleher's music video "Redeem". These guys can do anything - brilliant cinematography, top class effects, finding the perfect location and great studio set ups. Each country has their own vibe of filmmaking but when it comes to superb Spanish work I put Edgar and his colleagues right up there. Check out his website on http://edgartoldrajorda.wixsite.com/edgar-toldrajorda                                                and watch out for more great work from Edgar and gang in the future.  


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My brother the actor and singer. Constantly pushing himself creatively JD has worked with some of the best in film and TV. More recently JD has taken the rock and roll world by storm with hits such as "Love Will Tear Us Apart", "Imagery", "Give Me Light", "Avenge the Maybes" and most recently "Redeem" of which I had the pleasure of editing. Together with producer Bob Morgen they make up Lonely Child Music and are a force to be reckoned with. Check out JD's music videos below and keep an eye on this site for further updates.


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This site could hold many links to musical favourites of mine but special mention has to be noted for this wonderful music creator from St. Petersburg in Russia. Not only did she allow me to use her excellent music in my short film The Placebo Effect  - check out the entire Welcome Aboard EP below - but I am a huge fan of the type of music she creates (glitch, tech, etc) that I love to listen to myself. A true creative genius. I advise you, like me, to purchase some of her music from bandcamp (link below) and revel in the sincere, moving and exciting music of this Russian superstar.